I have always been drawn to beautiful food! I see it on Pinterest and Instagram daily.'
Today's chefs are truly artists!
Some of my favorite photographs are:
Today's chefs are truly artists!
Some of my favorite photographs are:
from foodandgardeiningproclub.com
from Tate Dining Room
This is a modern interpretation of a caprese salad. I actually have these bowls in Minneapolis! This salad is much prettier that the ones I make! I guess I am a rustic cook.
Scallops from Karlo Evaristo
from Theartofplating.com
from greenorc.com
Yellow zuchinni spiral, goat cheese sphere and tomato from rubwatches.uk
from archzine.fr
from aliface post tumbler
I think you are getting the idea!
I am always frustrated that I see pretty photos of food art on Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram without recipes. Well that changed when I started following Cookniche on Instagram.
They post photos without recipes, but they also have recipes that we could all could try on their website.
This recipe for this beef tenderloin is from Karlo Evanisto. Get it here: https://cookniche.com/Recipe.aspx?name=KarloEvaristo&IDservice=1370
This smoked duck breast appetizer recipe by Evgeny Nasyrov can be found here:https://cookniche.com/Recipe.aspx?name=EvgenyNasyrov&IDservice=1325
This prawn tempura, pumpkin gnochi and tomato fondue by Theodorus Setyo can be found here: https://cookniche.com/Recipe.aspx?name=TheodorusSetyo&IDservice=1333
This summer duck by Grant Irvin can be found here: https://GrantIrvincookniche.com/Recipe.aspx?name=GrantIrvin&IDservice=1360
This cold angel hair cavier by Sebastien Lepinoy can be found here: https://cookniche.com/Recipe.aspx?name=SebastienLepinoy&IDservice=1350
The recipe for these seared scallops and twice cooked pork belly by Peter Rollinson can be found here: https://cookniche.com/Recipe.aspx?name=PeterRollinson&IDservice=1173
This recipe for cod and prawns in lobster bisque by Con Vailas can be found here: https://cookniche.com/Recipe.aspx?name=ConVailas&IDservice=1224
This recipe for scallops with Jeruslem artichoke puree by Phil Clark can be found here: https://cookniche.com/Recipe.aspx?name=PhilClark&IDservice=1324
I could go on and on but I will let you browse the recipes by yourself. The address is https://cookniche.com/cRecipe.aspx
They are beautiful ideas, Thank-you.